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Mediation Centre

Hong Kong Family Welfare Society, as a non-governmental welfare agency has developed Family Mediation Service since 1997. It aims at helping divorcing / divorced / separated couples handle disputes rationally and amicably so that they can reach a settlement which is mutually acceptable.

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The Mediation Centre also put concretized efforts in promoting the professional mediation training work, including the launching of Accredited Family Mediation Training and Live Supervision for Accreditation of Family Mediators

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The Mediation Centre is committed to promoting family mediation services, including professional case services, community education, professional mediator training, etc.

Our Services

Assist in resolving disputes between family members and interpersonal relationships. Services include family mediation services, comprehensive mediation services and parent-child conflict mediation services.

Professional Mediation Service


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Through community promotion and education, enhance the general public’s understanding and recognition of the spirit of dispute resolution and mediation, promote mutual respect, rebuild mutual trust, prevent and handle disputes in families, peers, communities and the society as a whole, and build a culture of harmony in diversity.

Public Education


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Professional mediation training work, including the launching of Accredited Family Mediation Training and Live Supervision for Accreditation of Family Mediators.

Mediation Training


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During the service process, the mediator encouraged us to try different directions of thinking, which also eased the excitement of both parties during the process, allowing my ex-husband and I to avoid having to resort to litigation to reach consensus on our children’s visitation and property arrangements.

The mediation service helped my ex-spouse and I talk about the children's lives as the main topic, and finally reached a consensus, which also saved time and legal fees, and gave the children more protection.

Earlier, when dealing with divorce asset arrangements with the other party, we ended up unhappy every time. However, through mediation services, we have equal opportunities to express our needs in a peaceful atmosphere, discuss rationally, and finally find a mutually acceptable solution, which also reduces friction for everyone.

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